Saturday 31 January 2015

Health Benefits of Drinking Ginger Tea

Ginger root is known for its medicinal properties and it is used in many traditional medicines. The healing benefits of ginger are mainly due to its volatile oils and the high oleoresin content. A lot of research has been going on to find out the herbal benefits of this herb and so far, the researchers have found many health benefits of ginger roots.

Ginger tea has health benefits rooted in the benefits of hot water. Just by simply adding a few slices of ginger root to your cup of boiled water you can increase your core temperature turning the heating power of ginger loose in your body helping you bring out the best in your diet. Read on to know the various health benefits of Ginger tea.

Improve stomach performance

Useful in improving digestion and increasing absorption of food, ginger can bloating after eating too much.


It contains antioxidants that boost the immune system. Drinking a cup of ginger daily will cut the risk of a stroke as well as fatty deposits in the arteries. Gingertea also lowers cholesterol levels and gives amazing results.

Reduce inflammation

Ginger contains anti-inflammatory properties that make it an ideal home remedy for muscle and joint problems. In addition to drinking tea, you can also use it to soak inflamed joints.

Relieve menstrual discomfort

This one is for all women suffering from menstrual cramps. Try soaking a towel in warm ginger tea and apply it to your lower abdomen. It may help relieve the pain and relax the muscles. At the same time, drink a cup of ginger tea with honey.

Improve blood circulation

The vitamins, minerals and amino acids in gingertea can help restore and improve blood circulation that may help decrease the chance of cardiovascular problems. Ginger may prevent fat from depositing in the arteries helping to prevent heart attacks and stroke.

Relieve nausea

One of the best-known benefits of herbal tea is its ability to combat nausea. Drinking a cup of ginger tea before traveling can help prevent the nausea and vomiting associated with motion sickness. If you did not drink ginger before you became nauseous, drink a cup of ginger tea at the first sign of nausea to relieve the symptom.

Relieve stress

Ginger tea has calming properties that may help lower your stress and tension. This is thought to be due to a combination of the strong aroma and healing properties.

Reduce inflammation

The anti-inflammatory properties of ginger tea are well known and make it an ideal home remedy for muscle and joint problems. In addition to drinking ginger tea, it may also be useful to use as a topical soak on inflamed joints and other body parts.

Increases fertility

Some people believe that ginger tea is an aphrodisiac that works to boost a man's fertility. Some studies show that regular intake of ginger may increase a man's sperm count and help with erectile dysfunction.

Saturday 4 January 2014

Ginger Tea for Lose Weight

Losing weight is one of the most significantly positive things you can do for your overall health, and ginger can play an integral role in the process. The reason is because it acts as a fat burner, specifically helping to make sure that the weight you’re losing is from fat, and not just general weight or water loss. Another factor that helps shed the pounds is that ginger helps you feel full, so you’ll eat less and feel fuller longer, reducing your overall caloric intake.

Ginger tea plays an integral role in the process of losing weight and living a positive life. It is a fat burner that burns excess fat, and does not affect the general weight. Ginger tea can help you feel full which helps to reduce your calories and shed weight.


Ginger is native to Asia, and ginger root is popular in Asian cuisine so when a remedy for a variety of conditions. Ginger can be a traditional remedy to help bloating, ease congestion, cleanse toxins in your body and decrease fever and pain. Ginger remedy will come in a variety of forms including ginger tea for weight loss. There's no conclusive clinical evidence of these medicinal purposes of ginger.

Ginger Tea

Prepare ginger tea with fresh ginger by boiling 2 portions of water, adding 1 tbsp. shredded cinnamon and simmering up to A quarter-hour -- a longer time will produce a stronger infusion. To arrange with dry ginger, add 1/4 tsp. ginger powder to 2 cups boiling water. If ginger tea's pungent flavor is just too strong for you, try adding a teaspoon of honey to sweeten it.
Ginger tea


Ginger is really a well-liked remedy for stomach and intestinal difficulties,  could help to ease digestive discomfort. Drinking a cupful of ginger tea may help to prevent and ease discomfort and gas inside the digestive tract. According to "DietxNutrition," smoother convenient digestion means that your body will assimilate more nutrients within the foods you eat so you will naturally consume fewer calories. There's no conclusive clinical evidence for your use of ginger to help with digestion.


Ginger tea may help promote diaphorisis or sweating. Sweating helps release toxins within your body through the skin. The mild diaphorisis due to regularly drinking ginger tea may help your body melt and release excess fat holding toxins and impurities. There is no conclusive clinical evidence to assist using ginger tea for internal cleansing.


Ginger may thin your blood, so avoid drinking ginger tea if you are taking blood thinning medication, have mislaid a lot of blood or have been in risk for heavy bleeding. Avoid using ginger medicinally while pregnant. Talk to your doctor before you make ginger tea a part of your current weight-loss plan.

Wednesday 20 March 2013

Treatments for Sinus Infection

Sinus infection sufferers know the stuffy, congested feeling may not go away without a visit to the doctor's office. But based on a new study, the antibiotics that doctors often prescribe for sinus infections may be no more effective than the usual spray or pill on drugstore shelves.

Sinus infections are terrible. They are able to really be a pain especially when you get them 4 to 5 times annually. It surely seems like you just got regarding this and now it is again. Almost 37 million from the Americans are diagnosed as struggling with sinus infections. With so many people struggling with this infection makes one ponder whether there is any permanent remedy for it.

  • Sinuses are balloon-like structures within the head that can become clogged with mucus, dander and/or a mix of foreign substances. By simply blowing onto your nose gently on a regular basis, and following it having a good hand washing, you might help prevent sinus problems from turning out to be infections. Some clinicians even recommend gentle "irrigation" with sterile salt water occasionally if sinus congestion and/or infections really are a recurring problem. Consult your health care provider before by using this technique.
  • Take any prescribed antihistamine or decongestant to maintain your sinus passages open and permit for the congestion to empty. Do not use most over-the-counter (OTC) nasal sprays in excess of 3 days, since your sinuses could get "addicted" (dependent on them to remain open). Ask your health care provider before using any OTC nasal spray.
  • Apply warm, moist heat to assist with sinus pressure and discomfort. Simply going for a nice warm shower and allowing the nice and cozy water to shower your face will make you feel better. Warm face packs work well, but ensure the packs are just warm to touch before placing on them your fore face (sinus area). Don't burn yourself!
  • Drink lots of clear fluids. In medicine there exists a saying: "The secret to pollution is dilution!" Dilute all the heavy mucus by drinking water, sports drinks, or any other clear fluids. Avoid milk, creams, or any other dairy products that can increase congestion.
  • Go ahead and take entire prescription as directed in case your nurse practitioner or physician prescribes an antibiotic. You shouldn't ever have "left over" antibiotics. Whenever you stop taking antibiotics prior to the full course of treatment has ended, all you are doing is allowing the bacteria which has infected you become stronger compared to that antibiotic, leading to antibiotic resistance. Antibiotic resistance is really a major health problem throughout the world, and individuals die from simple infection that no more responds to therapy, simply because they now have a "super bug!" 
  • Always, always, always wash your hands pre and post you blow onto your nose, take your medications or perhaps think about it. Simple correct hand washing saves lives!

Tuesday 26 February 2013

Herbal Beauty Tips For Glowing Skin

Glowing skin is really a craving that all women suffer from! Such is our madness that people try every product that states give us glowing skin. We completely disregard the fact that glowing is an indication in our skin being healthy. And healthy skin is the only sure lasting method to have glowing skin. Packaged products focus on our external features alone plus they chemically active which Is not at all good on the long run.

All of us desire for a soft and glowing skin. Chemicals contained in cosmetics can damage and irritate your skin. So, why don't you go for a natural skin care instead. Lets return to nature and its basics for a glowing skin. There are several herbs that are widely used in cosmetics. So, lets not compromise on sensitivity and follow herbal skin care regime to maintain your skin healthy in the natural way.


Calendula is a garden plant within the daisy family that, like natural aloe-vera and witch hazel, has anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial and anti-viral properties. 


Contains lecithin, a protein that is good for dry or damaged hair. Use avocado in oil form like a moisturiser and hair conditioner. It’s also great for softening nails and cuticles.


Banana is full of vitamin A and potassium.The mashed pulp is extremely gentle when used on the skin, making good refining and cleansing face masks.


Steep the dried leaves of the herb in hot water, then cool and strain before while using tea as a fresh-smelling bath fragrance.


Lavender might be more famous for its relaxing results of the mind, but it also helps to soothe skin, too. It's rich in a compound called linalool which helps with skin healing while also preventing tissue degeneration keeping skin firm and preventing wrinkles. 


Used being an ingredient in many good-quality lotions and creams, almond oil is among the oldest of all cosmetics. It’s great for cleansing and nourishing dry and sensitive skin. Get more skin care tips here.

Natural aloe-vera

Aloe Vera has been well known for hundreds of years for its anti-inflammatory, anti-fungal, healing and cooling properties. It facilities healing of any sort - be it a skin wound, acne, burn, scald, blisters, insect bites, rashes, urticaria, vaginal infections, allergy symptoms or dry skin.. 


Lavender might be more famous for its relaxing results of the mind, but it also helps to soothe skin, too. It's rich in a compound called linalool which helps with skin healing while also preventing tissue degeneration keeping skin firm and preventing wrinkles. 

Monday 18 February 2013

Benefits of Garlic

Garlic is a bulb that belongs towards the onion family, which on consuming offers the body with numerous health benefits. Garlic has long been touted like a health booster, but it’s never been clear why the herb may be good for you. 

Garlic is one of the most valuable and versatile foods on earth. Known as one of the oldest medicinal plants, garlic is really a widely recognized health enhancing supplement. Garlic is one of the most often used spices in cooking due to the aroma and the enticing flavor it contributes to food, but it has some impressive garlic health benefits too. 

Thin the blood

When consumed, they’ve been proven to thin the blood, which may be helpful in the prevention of heart disease, for example heart attacks and stroke.

Irritation in throat

Garlic possesses miraculous antibacterial properties, that are very effective for the treatment of the throat. When you're suffering from cough or throat infection of any sort, take a slice of garlic inside your mouth, bite it just a little and let the juice flow down your throat.

Cardiac Benefits

Garlic may thin your blood when consumed. This really is helpful to avert any ailments linked to the heart. It is also beneficial in determining your blood pressure. Eating a couple of cloves of garlic every day can certainly reduce the risk of arteriosclerosis, thereby preventing cardiac arrest and strokes.


This bulb includes extraordinary antibacterial properties, hence can be effective when you’re suffering from a toothache. You can apply garlic oil available in the market or perhaps freshly crushed garlic.


They are also high in antioxidants, and so may be helpful in the prevention of many different types of cancer.

Joint health

Your joints will even love you for consuming garlic regularly - a study found that individuals who consumed higher amounts of garlic (along with other allium vegetables, such as leeks, chives, and onions) were not as likely to get osteoarthritis than those who didn’t consume just as much.

Cholesterol Levels

Consumption of garlic is known to manage the levels of cholesterol of your body. This bulb has got the unique property of thwarting the development of cholesterol gallstones within your body. Garlic will reduce the bad cholesterol formed within your body and bring relief to the problem.

Fights off common cold

There has been numerous studies conducted about the role of garlic in eliminating common cold. It is thought that eating garlic when you feel you’re going to get a chilly, reduces the severity of the same. Regularly consuming a few cloves can drastically increase your immunity to battle the cold.

Increase absorption of iron and zinc

Research found that eating garlic with grains helped the absorption of those necessary minerals. This is especially essential for vegetarians who may not get just as much iron and zinc within their diet as a meat-eater.c